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News from the Farm!

There are still a few steaks available and many roasts. For my eggs and ground beef fans we have tons.

News from the Farm: This past week we candled eggs from the incubator and discarded all eggs that were not fertilized. Pictured is an egg with a live duckling growing inside. You can see the veins from the egg yolk to the duckling. Francesca was a fantastic helper as we performed surgery on our rooster who developed Bumble Foot. He is now receiving foot soaks and bandage changes. We also did some work in the garden. The asparagus is coming up in droves and the whole family planted the herb bed. Our first set of goslings hatched and are out and about with their mom and dad. And the cow/calf herd was moved from the bottom pasture to the windmill pasture as we prepare the pastures to make hay in 6 weeks.

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