Our first home bred steer is in the freezer with a Grade of PRIME! We are ecstatic that our breeding program and pasture management has resulted in the best possible outcome. The steer is available for purchase and can be picked up at the clinic starting Monday April 4th, 2022. Feel free to order online or through the order form on the website.

News from the Farm: Calving season has ended, all the calves are on the ground and Alex the bull (pictured) has been added back to the herd.. Alex has been a wonderful bull and he has gotten the job done each year but we plan to keep his daughters so Alex will move on down the road to continue to do his job on another ranch after this season. Powerball (Alex's replacement) was purchased from 44 Farms in February and he will meet Alex's daughters this weekend. Alex was selected because he is a black angus who scores in the top 1% in marbling across the Angus breed. Creating a grass fed beef program requires a smaller statured steer that will finish easily on grass alone and of course really good pastures. We are currently meeting with pasture management contractors to create the planting plan for spring of 2023. The incubator is full of duck, goose and turkey eggs and we hope to have the first group hatched out in about 3 weeks.